Friday, April 8, 2011

Google Isn't Your Friend Sometimes

I can't tell you how many times I've done a Google search for how to do something related to computers, technology and/or programming and found only a series of forum posts in which various other people in the same situation as me have already asked the question I Googled and were told, "Google is your friend."

Now it is certainly true that alot of people have asked dumb questions onilne without searching adequately. But it shouldn't be too hard to understand the logical problems with just telling someone, "Google it" when your very comment of saying, "Google it" is often all they'll find if they do. When Google looks for the answer to people's questions, if "Google it" is the most often returned answer for a query, then "Google it" will seem to be the answer. But it's not the answer, it's a means of finding the answer!

Why don't I just Google it? I am!!

There should be a "How to Answer Questions The Smart Way" to match the one about asking questions.

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